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Sky - Das Boot

The new Panorama Plus Ad


At the beginning of the new Sky Originals Production "Das Boot", the start of the series production was to be advertised extensively and attractively by means of extraordinary advertising measures in the mobile sector. The focus of the campaign was on the start of the high-end series and our goal was to strengthen awareness within the target group and to position Sky as a high-quality series producer.

Plan/ Design/ Build/ Grow

As part of the series launch, we developed an innovative special advertising format that has never been used before for the mobile part. The Panorama Plus Ad expands our classic Panorama Ad and makes it possible, in addition to the desired use of moving images, to integrate further functionalities within the advertising material. By panning the smartphone, users could discover various features. With the right-swivel, the users discovered a gallery and were able to "swipe" through several subjects. With the pan to the left, they were able to see the series trailer video. Thanks to an integrated calendar button, the start of series production could also be saved directly to the smartphone calendar.


Due to the different features in the advertisement, the willingness to interact and the awareness of the start of series were significantly increased. Not only was the target group fully informed in advance, but also their willingness and curiosity to click through the advertisement was successfully increased.


Sky Österreich Fernsehen GmbH


Conception, Development, Implementation



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