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Digitalunrays customer Carpediem and our newly invented mobile advertising format the Emotion Ad

Emotion Ad – an insight into the emotional world of the target group

Werbemittel zu kreieren ist nicht einfach. Immer mehr Faktoren spielen zunehmend eine Rolle, andere verlieren an Relevanz. Kreativ soll es sein. Catchy, aber nicht zu frech. Einzigartig, aber für die Masse konzipiert. Wie? Mit vereinten Kräften und Köpfen entsteht bei uns stets etwas Umwerfendes.

Creating advertisements is not easy. More and more factors are increasingly playing a role, while others are becoming less relevant. It should be creative. Catchy, but not too cheeky. Unique but designed for the masses. How? With united forces and minds we always creating something magnificent.

Welcome to the advertising jungle.

As part of the product launch for the new Carpe Diem variety Hibiskus, we have developed an innovative special advertising format that has never been used before: the Emotion Ad. The aim was to successfully position Carpe Diem on the already relatively saturated urban tea market and to strengthen awareness within the target group. It quickly became clear that there is a need for an ad that links user interaction with enjoyment. Said, done - with the help of a combination of emojis, very familiar from the social media world and the invitation to interact with the subject. This allowed us to turn user interactions into "visible" emotions. With the question "How do you like our new variety?", The user was asked to react to the new Carpe Diem variety Hibiscus using various emojis. In order to give the ad the necessary innovation refinement, a database was integrated in the background, which could collect the user interactions in real time and identify them in the end screen of the ad.

In a fun way, this campaign generated more than 2,000 interactions and 1.55% CTR. Apart from a result that is quite impressive, it became clear that the positive enjoyment association emojis clearly dominated. From this we conclude that the flavor variety hibiscus is well received within the target group. "The clear advantage of the Emotion Ads," says our CEO Gerhard Günther, "undoubtedly lies in the fact that the customer not only receives a branding effect but also a perfect insight into the emotional world of the target group."

With the Emotion Ad we have created an advertising innovation of the personal kind😊